He's able to sit now...and once he get into this 'bath tub', he'll cry out loud when you said "ok..mandi is over"...
I'm siting....yeah!!yeah!!He's growing so fast now...even his bed won't fit him :) now Isaac teeth is going to pop out soon...he's having those tanda2 that's kalau ikut orang tua2 said lah...i hope he just doing fine...and be strong ah babyku...now he was so active..he's able to crawl and just can't seem to stop turn over...he like to be explore the house with his walker and really like to bang on the cupboard...and the bang sound lounder each day...:) what else...paper..he like paper..books..and he like when i read my OUM module...and he like yellow...MTV...I just can't wait to be pregnant again...hopefully next year...so that Isaac has friend to play with :)
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